Bryker Woods Interior Designer | Austin, TX


We have a soft spot in our hearts for Bryker Woods. This darling small pocket in Austin is our home base in the city, so we’re very familiar with the area and are inspired by it every day. Located in Central Austin, minutes away from MoPac and the University of Texas, the neighborhood manages to be two things at once - secluded and cozy but also metropolitan and accessible to the rest of the city. This duality can also be seen in the types of houses in the area, which range from cute historic bungalows to brand new houses with all the modern amenities. We love working in our neighborhood, as it is the perfect union of old and new.


Bryker Woods dates back all the way to the late 1930s and is nationally recognized for its historic value. Developed right as the automobile became widespread, the area is impressively walkable with much to see and do in the great outdoors. You can almost feel yourself transported back in time as you walk the shaded streets, enjoy the lush greenery and abundant parks, and say hi to neighbors who share a warm sense of community. It’s like we plucked an old-world village from Europe and put it right in the middle of Austin. This makes Bryker Woods especially charming, as it mixes traditional and modern in a truly delightful way, something we also love doing in our designs.


When considering the types of projects that we like to work on in this area, we provide several options. Homes in Bryker Woods are being remodeled quickly, and in some cases, new houses have been erected where it didn’t make sense to keep the existing structure. Therefore, we would be happy to collaborate with you and your contractor on a full-scale remodel of your home or even a new build altogether. We also offer a furnishings-only service, where we would revamp the style of the interior of your home and work with you to reflect that eclectic aesthetic of Bryker Woods, an aesthetic that is so deeply and uniquely Austin.

In summary, our most popular services for Bryker Woods are:

  • Remodel - Because you want an updated look

  • New construction - Because you want to keep up with the times and create your own unique design

  • Furnishings - Because you want to create a beautiful and functional interior


Whatever type of project you are wanting to start work on, know that we will provide enthusiastic support and a tailored experience for our clients. We have the executive know-how to get your project done and help you create a space that is as beautiful as it is relaxing. 

New to Bryker Wood or looking to refresh the design in an established home? We’re here to help.


Wendi Gee Interiors provides full service interior design and interior decorating to Dripping Springs, Driftwood, Bryker Woods, West Lake Hills, Tarrytown, and the rest of the Austin, TX area.